Projecten per jaar
In 2006, a research project concerning the optimization of the spraying equipment and technology used in ornamental crops was started. First, several greenhouse growers were surveyed on the spray equipment and technology they were using for their plant protection. Later on, different parts of their equipment were evaluated. It this way, we could advice the connected growers on how to improve their own techniques and equipment. Additionally, the survey showed that growers predominantly use knapsack sprayers and lances for crop protection purposes. These techniques are often proven to be less effective compared to spray booms, which could explain the high application rates (up to 6650 L ha-1) used by most growers. Since spray boom equipment could enhance spray distribution and minimize labour cost, operator exposure; the usability of this technique in ornamental crops was studied by means of laboratory tests, field trials and bio-efficacy experiments.
Oorspronkelijke taal | Engels |
Titel | Proceedings 62nd International Symposium on Crop Protection |
Aantal pagina’s | 9 |
Volume | 75 |
Publicatiedatum | 2010 |
Uitgave | 2 |
Pagina's | 147-157 |
ISBN van geprinte versie | 1379-1176 |
Publicatiestatus | Gepubliceerd - 2010 |
Evenement | 62nd International symposium on Crop Protection (2010) - Gent, België Duur: 18-mei-2010 → 18-mei-2010 |
Bekijk de onderzoeksthema's van 'Optimization of the spraying equipment and technology used in ornamental crops'. Samen vormen ze een unieke vingerafdruk.Projecten
- 1 Afgerond
GREENHOUSESPRAY: Optimalisatie van de spuitapparatuur en –techniek in sierteeltgewassen
Nuyttens, D. (Projectverantwoordelijke) & Foqué, D. (Voormalig Onderzoeker)
1/08/06 → 1/01/11
Project: Onderzoek