Poultry production: using dual-purpose genotypes to reduce the culling of day-old male chicks?

Jarkko Niemi, M Väre, Anne Collin, M Almadani, M Quentin, Lisa Baldinger, Sanna Steenfeldt, T Bas Rodenburg, Frank Tuyttens, Petra Thobe

Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/CongresprocedureC3: Congres abstractpeer review


Existing studies show that consumers consider methods that avoid the killing of male day-old chicks (DOC) from layer genotypes as desirable practices. However, only 24% of producers argue that these measures are currently being applied. The use of dual-purpose breeds or in ovo sexing are two methods that can be used to address the ethical issues associated with the killing of male DOC. In this context, our study aims to develop a business case that would provide incentives to farmers to adopt these methods. More specifically, using the CANVAS method and insights from expert workshops, a business model outline was developed through reviewing the features, advantages and disadvantages of in ovo sexing and dual-purpose breeds. The results show that the promise of more ethical production is the key value proposition of these two methods. The key target groups were found to be consumers who are aware of current practices or are ethically conscious and/or better-informed. The results reveal that the use of dual-purpose breeds is considered a good option to avoid killing of male DOC. However, this option is considered to adversely affect broiler production, as male birds are slow-growing, have low feed efficiency and meat yields, and thus higher production costs, compared with conventional broilers. Hence, the business case of dual-purpose birds was based on addressing both animal welfare and ethical concerns, which in turn, could widen consumer group and promote demand toward compensating production costs. Raising consumers’ awareness of culling one-day-old male chicks gives growing potential for keeping dual-purpose birds.
Oorspronkelijke taalEngels
TitelBook of Abstracts of the 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science
Aantal pagina’s1
Plaats productieLyon, France
UitgeverijWageningen Academic Publishers
ISBN van geprinte versie 978-90-8686-384-6
ISBN van elektronische versie978-90-8686-936-7
PublicatiestatusGepubliceerd - 30-aug.-2023
Evenement74th Annual meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP): Climate change, biodiversity and global sustainability of animal production - Frane, Lyon, Frankrijk
Duur: 27-aug.-20231-sep.-2023
Congresnummer: 74


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