Request to ILVO. Alternative technical measures for TR2 fleet in the Celtic Sea recovery area.

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In order to minimise the bycatch of gadoid in Celtic (7fg) and Irish sea (7a), specific technical measures were introduced by article 9 of delegated regulation 2018/2034. the proposed technical measures do not fir with SOL fishery with TR2 gear.
Otter trawl gear with an 80 mm cod-end is now used in Celtic and Irish sea to catch sole and other species. A 100 mm cod-end is suggested as technical measure to reduce gadoid bycatch (cod, whiting, haddock). However, a significant part of the sole catch would escape through the cod-end of this gear.
ILVO is asked to simulate a potential alternative gear with comparable selectivity to the 100 mm net that can retain a viable sole catch without hampering the selectivity of the gadoids. Namely the selectivity needs to be simulated of an otter trawl net with an 80 mm cod-end rigged with a 120 mm square mesh panel (SMP) in the aft end of the top panel of the net just in front of the cod-end. The selective properties of this alternative net are to be compared with the selective properties of an otter trawl net with a 100 mm cod-end.
Oorspronkelijke taalEngels
Plaats productieOostende (Belgium)
UitgeverijInstituut voor Landbouw-, Visserij- en Voedingsonderzoek
Aantal pagina’s27
PublicatiestatusGepubliceerd - 2019


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