The effect of a balanced mixture of medium chain fatty acids on zootechnical performances in broilers

Vertaalde titel van de bijdrage: De invloed van een uitgebalanceerd mengsel van midden ketige vetzuren op de zootechnische prestaties van vleeskippen

D. Isaac, K. Deschepper, E. Van Meenen, Luc Maertens

    Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/CongresprocedureC1: Artikels in proceedings van wetenschappelijke congressen, die niet inbegrepen zijn in A1, A2, A3 of P1peer review

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    The objective of the current studies was to determine the effect on zootechnical performances of Aromabiotic Poultry, a carefully balanced mixture of MCFA in broilers. Trial A was designed as a complete block design with male Ross 308 broilers. The control diet (A1) was wheat/corn/soy based while the experiemental diet was obtained by adding a decreasing dosage of Aromabiotic Poultry (1.7 – 1.25 – 0.8 g/kg) in the starter, grower and finisher phase. Both daily growth and feed conversion were improved (the latter not significantly). Because of a bad start of the birds in the control group, the trial was repeated. In trial B a constant dosage of 0.8 and 1.2 g/kg, respectively were applied in two experimental treatments. Average daily gain and feed conversion were significantly improved with the best results using the lower dosage (ADG: 64.9 vs 62.6 g/d; WAFCR: 1.53 vs 1.58). Breast meat yield was only improved using the higher dosage (23.1 vs 22.6 %). In conclusion, Aromabiotic Poultry proved to be a valuable functional feed ingredient to sustain the rising production potential of broilers.
    Vertaalde titel van de bijdrageDe invloed van een uitgebalanceerd mengsel van midden ketige vetzuren op de zootechnische prestaties van vleeskippen
    Oorspronkelijke taalEngels
    TitelAustralian Poultry Science Symposium 2013
    Aantal pagina’s4
    Plaats productieSydney
    UitgeverijThe University of Sydney
    PublicatiestatusGepubliceerd - 17-feb.-2013
    Evenement24th Annual Australian Poultry Science Symposium - Sydney, Australië
    Duur: 17-feb.-201320-jun.-2013


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