The effect of ferulate esterase producing Lactobacillus buchneri in maize silage on zootechnical performance of dairy cattle.

Leen Vandaele, Elien Dupon, Johan De Boever, F Brüsemeister, Joos Latré, Sam De Campeneere

    Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/CongresprocedureC1: Artikels in proceedings van wetenschappelijke congressen, die niet inbegrepen zijn in A1, A2, A3 of P1peer review


    Some inoculants are based on lactic acid bacteria and when used as silage additives they may improve animal performance through their probiotic activity (Weinberg et al. 2004). Additionally, some Lactobacilli such as L. buchneri produce ferulate esterase (FE) which can break down the bounds between cellulose/hemicellulose and lignin resulting in increased fiber digestibility of the silage. Therefore, adding FE producing Lactobacilli during ensiling is thought to positively affect the nutritive value (Nsereko et al. 2008). The aim of the present study was to compare the zootechnical performance of dairy cattle when feeding maize silage treated with or without FE producing L. buchneri during ensiling.

    Material and Methods
    The effect of adding FE producing bacteria to maize silage was tested in a cross-over design with two periods of three weeks. Twenty Holstein-Friesian cows (eight primiparous and twelve multiparous cows) yielding between 25.6 and 40.0 kg milk per day at the beginning of the trial were divided into two homogenous groups of ten cows, taking parity, milk production, fat and protein content of the milk, body weight and days in milk into account. The two diets only differed in the maize silage offered, which originated from the same field and was treated identically except for being ensiled without (CTRL) or with L.buchneri (FE). In both diets, grass and one of the two maize silages (DM ratio 40%/60 %) were individually distributed twice daily (at 8.30h and 15h). Concentrates were given twice daily (at 5h and 17:30h). At the start of the trial, based on the registered ad lib roughage intake, concentrate dose was calculated to provide 105% of the requirements for VEM and DVE. During the trial, roughage was fed ad libitum and the amount of concentrates was weekly decreased during the trial with 0.3 kg for multiparous and 0.15 kg for primiparous cows to account for the decreasing milk production in the course of the trial. Cows were milked twice daily. Milk samples were taken from 4 milkings of the last 2 weeks of each trial period and analysed for composition based on FTIR. Maize silages were sampled weekly during the trial and a pooled sample was analysed at the end of the trial.

    The chemical composition and nutritive value of both maize silages (CTRL and FE) is given in Table 1. Compared with the control silage, fiber content of the FE silage was somewhat lower and starch content somewhat higher, resulting in a somewhat higher cellulase digestibility (CDom) and VEM. It is however doubtful that these differences are due to an effect of the silage additive, because neither lactic nor acetic acid appeared affected.

    Feed intake and milking performance were not different between both groups (Table 2). The dry matter intake (DMI kg day-1) of grass silage by the FE group was significantly lower than that of the CTRL group, although the numeric difference was small. Furthermore OEB intake for FE was significantly lower than for CTRL, without an effect on milk urea content, indicating that N was probably not limiting in the rumen.

    The use of FE producing Lactobacilli in maize silage did not enhance the zootechnical performance of dairy cattle during lactation, which is in contrast with the finding of Weinberg et al. (2004) suggesting a probiotic effect. The similar AA and LA values in the silages indicate that FE was not able to enhance fermentation in this maize silage, in contrast with literature findings (Kleinschmit and Kung, 2006). Concurrent research at our unit with micro silos indicated that adding FE producing bacteria during ensiling of maize at an early maturity stage (DM around 300 g kg-1) resulted in lower lactate and higher acetic acid values, while this effect was absent in maize silage with higher DM (around 380 g kg-1). The latter is in contrast with findings from practice were an effect is even found up to 400 g kg-1DM.

    References are available on request. Please e-mail: [email protected]
    Oorspronkelijke taalNederlands
    TitelProceedings 37th Animal Nutrition Research Forum
    Aantal pagina’s2
    Plaats productieWageningen
    PublicatiestatusGepubliceerd - 18-apr.-2012
    Evenement37th Animal Nutrition Research Forum (2012) - Wageningen, Nederland
    Duur: 18-apr.-201218-apr.-2012

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