Current land use dynamics show the emergence of landscape features and uses that do not fit well the conformal categories such as agriculture, forestry and urban land use. Different kinds of transitional categories and their corresponding landscape features can generally be put under the concept of “interface”. We provisionally categorise them as hybrids, gardens, reaches, buffers, commons, guests, fallows and residuals. In two cases the landscape has been read according to these interface categories, in order to evaluate whether they support dominating ecosystem and landscape services, or whether they assume a matrix role both spatially and functionally. The concept of landscape interfaces invites to rethink the epistemology of landscape, environment and land-use, but also to develop complementary schemes of landscape diagnosis, planning and design, and not in the least landscape education.
Vertaalde titel van de bijdrage | Het landschap van interfaces: schilderen buiten de lijnen |
Oorspronkelijke taal | Engels |
Titel | Landscape & Imagination : Towards a new baseline for education in a changing world |
Editors | Conor Newman, Yann Nussaume, Bas Pedroli |
Aantal pagina’s | 6 |
Plaats productie | Florence |
Uitgeverij | Bandecchi & Vivaldi |
Publicatiedatum | 2013 |
Pagina's | 71-76 |
ISBN van geprinte versie | 978-88-8341-548-7 |
Publicatiestatus | Gepubliceerd - 2013 |
Evenement | Uniscape 2013 Landscape & Imagination - Paris, Frankrijk Duur: 2-mei-2013 → 4-mei-2013 http://www.uniscape.eu/pageNews.php?idCont=1413&lang=en&tit=International%20Conference%20%22Landscape%20and%20Imagination%22,%20Paris%202-3-4%20May |