The Powerful Garden: Emerging views on the garden complex

Valerie Dewaelheyns, Kirsten Bomans, Hubert Gulinck

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    Although domestic gardens cover a significant area, they are one of the
    least known land use categories. Hidden behind the façade of urban
    and residential development, they are currently a footnote in housing
    policy and not explicit included in spatial planning, socio-economic
    and environmental policies. Households consider domestic gardens
    mainly as little paradises, safe family havens and places of direct contact
    with nature. However, hundreds of thousands of gardens make
    a big thing. The collectivity of domestic gardens – the ‘garden complex’
    – can play a strategic role in various challenges of our society
    like public health, environment, biodiversity, food security and climate
    change. This book presents a collection of emerging views on the garden
    complex in order to put the garden on the different agendas of
    research and policy. It collects the current state of knowledge on gardens
    from different experts in various disciplines, mainly in a Flemish
    context. The authors write about the background of the present-day
    Flemish garden, their spatial distribution and connection, the impact
    of gardens on the environment, biodiversity in gardens, and the role of
    gardens in the livability of neighborhoods. Together with other green
    themes like greenways, community gardens and urban agriculture,
    domestic gardens are part of an important rural-urban interface. It is
    time for more systematic research on gardens, and planners and managers
    should give more attention to the green faces of development in
    their strategies towards enhanced sustainability.
    Oorspronkelijke taalEngels
    Plaats productieAntwerp -Apeldoorn
    UitgeverijGarant Publishers NV
    Aantal pagina’s237
    ISBN van geprinte versie978 90 441 2733 1
    PublicatiestatusGepubliceerd - 2011

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