Valorisation of tainted boar meat in patties, frankfurter sausages and cooked ham by means of targeted dilution, cooking and smoking

Lieselot Y Hemeryck, Jella Wauters, Lore Dewulf, Anneleen I Decloedt, Marijke Aluwé, Stefaan De Smet, Ilse Fraeye, Lynn Vanhaecke

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftA1: Web of Science-artikelpeer review


Because of the need to abolish the castration of piglets without anaesthesia/analgesia, the pig industry is searching for a mode of action for the valorisation of meat with boar taint, an off-odour in entire male pigs. Carcasses with boar taint were selected by means of sensory and chemical analysis, after which patties with different levels of tainted boar meat were produced, as well as cooked ham and Frankfurter sausages using different smoke condensates and cooking temperatures. For these products orthonasal and retronasal boar taint odour were assessed by a trained expert panel. The results offer guidance regarding dilution of tainted meat (with <400 µg/kg androstenone if skatole is low or <200 µg/kg androstenone in concurrence with ≥37 µg/kg skatole) and the potential application of smoke condensates (e.g., Rudinsmoke C for sausages and Smokez LFBN for ham) as promising boar taint masking strategies.

Oorspronkelijke taalEngels
Pagina's (van-tot)126897
PublicatiestatusGepubliceerd - 15-nov.-2020


  • Androstenone
  • Boar taint
  • Consumer acceptance
  • Indole
  • Masking strategy
  • Pork
  • Skatole


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